2023-2028, funded by Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine (France) (PI)
REFUGE-ARCTIC (A multidisciplinary study on one of the last Arctic seas where the ice never melts)
2023-2028, funded by BNP Paribas Foundation
2022-2028, funded by the "Programme Prioritaire de Recherche Océan & Climat"
CONNECTED (Modeling the fate of dissolved organic carbon originating from permafrost thaw)
2021−2023, funded by CNRS LEFE/CYBER (PI)
NASA-IDS project (19-IDS19-0113) Impacts of changing sea ice on Arctic Ocean biology
2019−2023, funded by NASA
NUNATARYUK (Permafrost thaw and the changing Arctic coast, science for socioeconomic adaptation)
2017−2023, funded by the European H2020 program
REWRITE (Rewilding European Shorelines and Beyond)
2023-2028, funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement 101081357
LRTZC (La Rochelle Zero Carbon Territory)
2020−2028, funded by the French Programme d'Investissements d'Avenir, Action "Territoires d’innovation de grande ambition"